Understand the categorization of Hedge Funds and Alternative Investment Funds, as per SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations. Differentiate the structure of a mutual fund from alternative investment funds. Briefly outline the fee structure, characteristics and investment deployed by hedge funds.
Enumerate the permissible fund structures for a Private Equity Fund, in India and differentiate the fee structure of Private Equity Funds from traditional investments. Understand the different forms of Private Equity, life cycle of a Private Equity fund and stages of a start-up at which funding is raised.
List the various types of investments in Commodities Market, through spot market and futures & options markets. Briefly understand the types of investment strategies deployed by Commodity Trading Advisors and the size of the managed futures market.
Understand the different forms of equity investments and debt investments in Private Equity and characteristics of Private Equity asset class, life cycle of a Private Equity fund and stages of a start-up at which funding is raised.
Differentiate between compound returns and simple returns, through the concept of Time Value of Money. Compute the Internal Rate of Return (“IRR”) for a fund, understand the types of such IRRs and the advantage and disadvantage of using IRR.
List the properties of a Normal Distribution and analyse the risk factors such as Skewness and Excess Kurtosis.
Understand the concept of Gross Domestic Product, using asset approach and expenditure approach.
Describe the general principles of expense recognition, specific expense recognition and its implications
Understand the concepts of Risk-Return Opportunity Set, Global Minimum Variance Portfolio, CAPM Model and its assumptions.
List the limitations of a Traditional Risk Management framework, define the ERM system and understand the components of an ERM.
Understand the concept of a Confidence Interval and analyse the risk factors such as Skewness and Excess Kurtosis.
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